Title: "Girl with the Red Umbrella Has a Dream"
5"x7" acrylic on canvas. This work is part of a series I'm painting. The scene is Old Woman Bay on the North Eastern shore of Lake Superior. A chance encounter with a traveler inspired this series of paintings.
Status: available - price $95.00 and ships anywhere in the world for $10.00. Comes with the original poem hand written and signed by the artist. A thousand good wishes also comes with the purchase of this art work. Thanks for having a peek.
I accept major credit cards ~ all prices are in Canadian funds~ please contact me at doncharbonneau@sympatico.ca for details~ check out my website www.doncharbonneau.com
Girl With the Red Umbrella has a Dream
I'm wide awake now
three thousand miles away
from the biggest fresh water lake
in the world.
I can still hear
the sound of the waves
breaking on the shore.
I think it was the cold water
of Lake Superior
lapping at my feet
that actually
made me leave the
most incredibly vivid
I've ever experienced.
A campfire was burning
on the sandy beach
of Old Woman Bay and
a red canoe was pulled up
on the sand,
away from the surging waves.
There was a man standing
on the shoreline
way down the beach
I could hear him yelling
in the wind,
..."this is the most beautiful
place in the world"...(over and over
again like a mantra)
I have to write this before the feeling leaves me
and I roll back into that dream:
Under a big moon and a blanket of stars
I will sing the praises of this fragile creation
Like a mother, holding her newborn
she caresses me with her wind
and her gentle rain
washes away all my tears
and memory of pain.
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